Current place:Sinoorigin/Oil painting/Abstract art,Abstract paintings
Abstract art,Abstract paintings
In modern style home decoration, abstract painting is playing an important role. Though many people still couldn't understand the painting moral but they are touched by the sense of the paintings, they enjoy the decorative effect by the abstract paintings.
Oil painting is a kind of art that not figurative and not rational, it’s a kind of purl visual art form.
Abstract art works don’t depict and display images in real world, and abstract paintings don’t show the artist’s mind and don’t tell us any feeling.
Abstract art forms a visual form by painting color, dots, lined, faces, and painting texture.
Abstract paintings could promote the space taste and suitable for modern style home decoration.
Abstract paintings are also very popular in hotel and restaurant decoration.
In many successful cases, decoration paintings take an important part. We can say that abstract painting is the first choice of decoration.
Mostly when we talk about abstract art, we mean abstract paintings. In fact, except abstract paintings, abstract art includes more arts in different fields, for example abstract equipment, abstract music, abstract poem, abstract photography, abstract decoration, etc.
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